Dec 23, 2024

Statement by Mark McHargue, President, Regarding USMCA Dispute Panel Decision on Mexico’s Corn Ban

Posted Dec 23, 2024 8:10 PM

Nebraska Farm Bureau

LINCOLN, NEB. – “Friday announced US, Mexico, Canada Agreement (USMCA) dispute panel decision in favor of the United States in our case against Mexico’s unscientific and illegal ban of genetically modified corn is a significant victory for science and for Nebraska. Time and again, the safety of genetically modified corn has been proven. As one of the nation’s top corn producers and exporters of corn to Mexico, Nebraska farmers and the state’s economy stood to be greatly impacted if the panel allowed Mexico’s ban to stand. We stand prepared to work with the incoming Trump administration to ensure all our existing trade agreements are followed by our international partners so that Nebraska farmers and ranchers can continue to feed, fuel, and clothe the world.”

“We thank Congressman Adrian Smith and the rest of Nebraska’s Congressional Delegation for their steadfast support of Nebraska farmers throughout this case.”

The Nebraska Farm Bureau is a grassroots, state-wide organization dedicated to supporting farm and ranch families and working for the benefit of all Nebraskans through a wide variety of educational, service, and advocacy efforts. More than 55,000 families across Nebraska are Farm Bureau members, working together to achieve rural and urban prosperity as agriculture is a key fuel to Nebraska’s economy. For more information about Nebraska Farm Bureau and agriculture, visit