Oct 17, 2022

NDOT-September Traffic Fatalities up over 2021

Posted Oct 17, 2022 6:28 PM

By: Nebraska Department of Transportation

The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) has released the Traffic fatality statistics for September of 2022.   During the month of September,  thirty-six people were killed in traffic crashes on Nebraska roadways.

These 36 fatalities occurred in 30 fatal crashes.

Nine of the twenty-seven vehicle occupants killed were not using seatbelts, eleven were using a seatbelt, and seven had seatbelt usage marked as unknown.

Twenty-three of the fatalities were in rural locations*.

One of the fatalities was on the interstate, twenty-four on other highways, and eleven on local roads.

Six of the fatalities were motorcyclists.

Three of the fatalities were pedestrians.

One of the fatalities involved a train

So far in 2022,  206 people have died in 181 traffic accident in Nebraska. This compares to 159 by this time in 2021. In September of 2021 there were 22 fatalities. only 50 of the 162 vehicle occupants killed in 2022 were using seatbelts.