If you have something you would like posted, please email to: [email protected]. If your item has SOLD or if you FOUND what you were looking for, call or email so it can be removed from the listing.
WE CARE LAWN & SNOW is looking to add a few lawns to their summer schedule. They offer all types of lawn care, mowing, fertilizing, etc. Schedule your Spring aerating (air-rating) now. Best rates in town. Call Tom: 308-760-4103. (THIS IS A PAID AD)
Bottle calves looking for new home. Call 308 763 1428 for details.
For sale 2 ton foldable engine hoist $100.00 obo Heavy duty industrial drill press $100.00 obo wooden GILBILT table saw $75.00 obo Craftsman 220 vac twin cylinder air compressor $100.00 OBO Call 308-762-5458
Box Butte County 4-H Fundraiser: Monday, March 25, 2024 at West Side Event Center from 5 - 7pm. All meal tickets will be purchased at the door for $20. Funds received will help the Box Butte County 4-H Council with providing scholarships, camping opportunities, leadership opportunities, county fair events and other 4-H programs for our youth.
For Sale: Farm Fresh Eggs $2.00/Dozen (308)760-1101
For Sale: Fresh Brown Eggs $2.00/Dozen Call: (308) 763-8230
LF: License Plates-Car & Motorcycle (402) 670-1769