Jun 14, 2021

AHS Gym will sport a new look this fall

Posted Jun 14, 2021 8:24 PM

By: Mike Glesinger

looking east from the balcony
looking east from the balcony

When Alliance High School students return in the fall they will see some big changes to the main building.  Besides the usual clean up and spruce up that goes on every summer, the students will see a bright, fresh , new look to the AHS Gymnasium.  The gym floor has been striped of the top layer of varnish,  sanded down to the bare wood.. and then repainted, varnished and sealed.   AHS Activities Director Anita James says the project has been going on for the past week or so and is nearing completion....  "The company we went through has done a great job of sticking to the design we wanted and it's going to look different, that's for sure......"Our floor has been slick for the past few years, so with the help of Dr Unzicker,  our School Board approved it to be sanded down and completely redone...and we are hoping that fixes the issue...it brightens the gym up a lot and it will be a different look when fans walk in this fall."

Anita says the new floor will keep the unique parquet look of the old floor and will feature bright, blue boundaries along the basketball court.  Bulldogs,  printed on the baselines.   The area between the free throw lane and the 3 point line shaded in a light brown.  Alliance painted in large, blue, capital letters, along the south sideline and in the center a large, blue, Bulldog paw....Anita says  "that paw is really going to stand out along with the other features...it's pretty cool!"  

Anita says up next, the floor needs to be clear waxed and coated and then has to set for a few weeks, but will be ready when the students return and begin to prepare for the new school year,  and athletes, coaches and fans are really going to like what they see .... ."when I saw it for the first time, it gave me goosebumps...it is going to be great for our students, which is what it's all about". 

View from the center balcony
View from the center balcony