Aug 16, 2024

KAB: Paint possibilities

Posted Aug 16, 2024 4:40 PM


Tell somebody how they can get rid of a particular item – for free – and be nice to the planet, chances are the next day, maybe the day after, there will have grown a pile. The trick is convincing that person’s neighbor they need to take home and reuse the aforementioned item.

Large signage attached to the side of the Keep Alliance Beautiful Recycling Center explicitly instructs potential recyclers to NOT leave items (other than deposited in the trailers along Second Street between Laramie and Cheyenne Avenues) outside the building or on the property before or after hours of operation: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday. By Wednesday this week we had the usual: a flat screen dumped on the north side rather than coming to the front door and forking over the suggested $1 donation and bags piled next to two trailers – both had plenty of room. Importantly, every posted rule comes with exceptions.

Ranchers and others with empty lick tubs know it is acceptable to deposit the, usually blue, containers where the TV was, and, likewise, any passerby is welcome to haul the tubs home free of charge. This spring and summer, however, ushered in after hours paint deposits.

KAB has taken cans of used paint for years. The idea is to provide free material to people who want to reuse it. Paint, like everything else, is not cheap . . . so, we screen recycled cans of paint, stain, etc. for what appears to still be good though not everything may in fact be usable or what you expected. Paint is stored in the office area of the recycling center and given away to anybody who could use anything from a half pint of mustard yellow enamel to several gallons of leftover primer.

Partial cans of paint are perfect for smaller craft and DIY projects or as a base coat to prime larger areas. A couple years ago several gallons went to a local resident who needed to paint part of her home as mandated by her landlord or face eviction. Artists may even find the right fit when attempting to create a recycled piece.

Though we prefer people bring paint to us during regular business hours if possible, we will continue to have a tote outside the recycling center to take partial/used cans of paint until cold weather arrives. Paint that has been frozen is not acceptable to give away. Also, solid or dried cans of paint will not be recycled or reused.

Leftover paint may not be a suitable replacement in many cases though I hope anyone that can benefit from a fresh coat will stop by the recycling center to see the cans and colors waiting for a brush.