Apr 20, 2023

Nebraska man sentenced in Box Butte Co. motor vehicle homicide

Posted Apr 20, 2023 2:29 PM

Panhandle Post

A Nebraska man will serve 14 - 20 years in the Nebraska Department of Corrections.

Box Butte County District Judge Travis P. O'Gorman sentenced 22-year-old Dalton D. Rasmussen of St. Edwards on April 7 for Motor Vehicle Homicide (Class IIA Felony) and a fifteen year revocation of motor vehicle operator's license; Driving Under the Influence - 1st Offense (Class W Misdemeanor) with a term of 60 days in jail and a $500 fine, a six month revocation of motor vehicle operator's license, and Reckless Driving (Class III Misdemeanor) with a term of three months in jail.

On Nov. 19/Nov. 20, 2021 Rasmussen unintentionally caused the death of 35-year-old Kyle Edwards of Hay Springs in a motor vehicle accident.

According to the Court Affidavit, on Nov. 20, 2021 at 12:09 a.m. the Nebraska State Patrol dispatch was contacted to a report of a two vehicle crash on Highway 87 near mile marker 23. "Further details were given that one pick up was on fire and that a 'wife [Destiny P. Fortin] was attempting to find her husband'".

Fortin [Edwards wife] was traveling behind Edwards and came across the accident.

Deputy Zywiec of Sheridan County Sheriff's Office advised there were two males, identified as Dalton D. Rasmussen and Ty R. Borer that were occupants of the gold 2006 Chevrolet pickup that was on fire.

Zyiec found Edwards deceased in a red Nissan Juke.

Zyiec advised that Rasmussen and Borer were in Fortin's vehicle, a blue Subaru Outback, and they had attempted to flee the scene of the accident in Fortin's vehicle, but were stopped by a witness named Myron Goode.

The Nissan driven by Edwards was found facing east in the east ditch on Highway 87. After impact of the accident, the Nissan appeared to have traveled east from the area of impact into the east ditch where it came to final rest. There was significant front and drive side damage to the car. The top of the Nissan had been pulled back and the cab was completely open.

The County Affidavit said, Nebraska State Patrol trooper Lucas Gleisberg continued through the accident scene and observed the area of imact (collison area of both vehicles) to be in the northbound lane near the fog line. Gleisberg determined this area as the area of impact due to the multiple gouge marks in the roadway as well as the oil and debris field that was located near this area. The Nissan was traveling northbound and the pickup was traveling southbound.

The Chevrolet pickup had crossed the centerline and struck the northbound Nissan in the northbound lane.

Gleisberg inspected the Chevrolet pickup. The pickup was facing southwest in the southbound lane of Highway 87, was on fire, and had been completely burned. The front right side of the vehicle sustained significant damage. The front driver's side of the pickup had been pushed back into the driver's side cab of the pickup and significant damage was found left of the steering wheel in the location of where a driver's left leg would rest. The damage of the pickup was so significant it offset the cab from the flat bed of the pickup.

There were no indications of seatbelt use found within the vehicle and it was unknown if the airbags were deployed due to the vehicle catching fire.

Gleisberg observed two male occumpants in Fortin's vehicle. Rasmussen was sitting in the front passenger seat. When Rasmussen spoke, his speech was slurred. He had a severe injury to his left leg and was actively being treated by EMS personnel. Borer had no apparent injuries.

Deputy Zywiec, Box Butte County Deputies Walls and Hjersman detected the odor of alcohol emiting from both Rasmussen and Borer. They both had slurred speech.

Rasmussen and Borer were then transported to Box Butte General Hospital in Alliance for injuries and legal blood draws.

On Dec. 8, 2021, blood test results were released from Nebraska Health and Human Servcies laboratory, indicating Rasmussen's blood alcohol level was .074 in the hours following the accident on Nov. 20.

Rasmussen will be eligible for parole in seven years and mandatory discharge in ten years.