Mar 05, 2024

Congressman Flood: No Illegal Immigrants as American Law Enforcement

Posted Mar 05, 2024 8:45 PM

By Office of Congressman Mike Flood

LINCOLN, NEBRASKA – Today, U.S. Congressman Mike Flood issued a statement following a vote by the Nebraska Legislature to authorize certain illegal immigrants, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients, to become law enforcement officers in Nebraska. 

“Yesterday, the Nebraska Legislature voted to allow certain people who came to America illegally to serve as law enforcement officers in Nebraska. While our country has extended a lot of grace to DACA recipients, allowing them serve as sworn officers is problematic starting with an officer’s role in court cases. Testimony in court from someone serving as an officer who came to America illegally could be easily discredited in front of virtually any jury.”

“Law enforcement are the backbone of safe communities. In Nebraska, the Legislature has been doing great work on recruitment and retention efforts for police and there’s more that needs to be done. But signing up illegal immigrants to work in law enforcement agencies isn’t the answer and jeopardizes the future success of criminal prosecutions in Nebraska.”

The bill was originally introduced as LB 918. It was amendment into LB 894. 

Congressman Flood has been a strong proponent of border security. He’s visited the Southern Border twice. Details from his visits can be found here and here. He has also supported H.R. 2, also known as the Secure the Border Act.