Aug 04, 2020

Alliance Public Schools release reopening of buildings plan

Posted Aug 04, 2020 4:38 PM

By Dr. Troy Unzicker, Alliance Public Schools Superintendent 

Alliance Public Schools will follow all directed health measures and guidance as required. This plan is set in place to reopen buildings and is subject to change at all times based on the current circumstances by the Board of Education.

Communication: We will follow all policies in place for supporting, teaching, and learning of protected vulnerable populations. We will post signage in classrooms, hallways, bathrooms and entrances to communicate important COVID 19 information. This plan will be shared with students, parents, staff and visitors. We will follow all guidelines for communication as required in the case of a confirmed positive test result.

100% on site attendance unless an alternative plan has been established between families and administration. Students and parents will be offered an online option for attendance. However, on site attendance is required for extra curricular participation.

Physical Distancing:

Students will be placed in cohorts, to the extent possible, to limit exposure to risk. We will maintain spacing as possible without limiting classes. Practice 6-foot distancing from others.

Entering and Exiting Buildings: All Students, Staff and Visitors are asked to stay home if they are ill. Known symptoms of COVID 19 include cough, fever, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell. This list is not all possible symptoms. Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.

Sanitize hands upon entry and exit. Temperature and symptom checks performed at home. Do not attend school if symptoms exist.


Masks are encouraged. Sitting with family groups and social distancing are encouraged.


Students will be placed in cohorts, to the extent possible, to limit exposure to risk. We will maintain spacing as possible without limiting classes.


Wash or sanitize hands upon exit and entry.

Meals and Snacks:

Wash or sanitize hands before and after eating.

Extra-Curricular Activities:

Critically assess risk before traveling for field trips and extra-curricular activities.


Temperature and symptom checks performed at home. Do not attend school if symptoms exist. Sanitize hands upon entry and exit.

Face Coverings:

Recommended if not able to maintain 6-foot social distancing.

Hand Washing:

Sanitize in and out of building, meal times and recess. Supply sanitizer in commons areas and high touch areas.

Illness Monitoring:

Provide education of staying home if sick and going home if experiencing symptoms. Establishing protocol for anyone feeling symptoms at the school. Individuals testing positive for COVID 19 will be excluded and allowed to return based on current CDC guidance. We will cooperate with PPHD to determine level of exposure.


Provide cleaning solution to common areas. Custodial services will follow CDC recommendations. Sanitizer provided in high traffic areas. Conduct deep cleaning of schools prior to student/staff return. Additional deep cleaning scheduled on weekends and holidays. Tables and desks disinfecting before food is placed on them.

Engineering Controls:

HVAC systems set to enhance fresh air throughout the facility. No drinking from water fountains. Students should bring bottles of water and may use appropriate fountains to fill bottles. No self-service salad bar/buffet. Meals will be plated and handed to students.

Home Visits:

Sanitize hands upon entry and exit. Temperature and symptom checks performed at home by both parties. Do not attend visit if symptoms exist. Masks and social distancing are encouraged.

All guidelines are in place unless medically contradicted with notice from medical provider.

Alliance Public Schools will cooperate with all case investigations. Identified cases will self-isolate. Self-isolation will stay away from others for 10 days and not return until symptom free and no fever for 3 days. Close contacts will be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days and test if symptoms occur. Self-quarantine means staying home and monitoring for symptoms. A close contact is defined as a person less than 6-foot for 15 minutes accumulatively. Contacts of a contact are not required to quarantine but should use precautions.

All areas of this plan are subject to change. Further measures will be shared and enforced if we move into other risk categories. Our top priority is the safety of students, staff and visitors. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these difficult times.