May 19, 2023

Road Trip: Box Butte General Hospital in Alliance

Posted May 19, 2023 1:00 PM

By Tami Cox Swearingen

My road trip didn't take me far this week—barely to the end of town. 

And following thiis stellar trip, i wouldn't be leaving my house for a week.You see, I have a zillion fruit trees in my backyard.  (OK, fine..13.  Smells like a zillion.) And I also have asthma, allergies and COPD issues that all put together makes life miserable from time to time.  I had managed to avoid completely breaking down the last two years, but this was the year to do it.  The blossoms didn't get frozen from the last spring storm, and they were tormenting me terribly. I'm sure many other folks have been suffering as well.

After spending a few hours debating if I was feeling bad enough to go to the ER--and knowing i wouldn't be able to see my own doc-- I decided I'd best get going.  I couldn't breathe, and was lacking color—neither of which are really acceptable to have a good day, or life.

 So my road trip this week took me to the BBGH Emergency Room...not quite what I had hoped to write about.  But that whole lack of breathing thing was bothersome, not to mention scary. This is the worst attack I have ever had. I thought i might bite the big one.

But lucky for me, ER Nurse Kate Horton was on duty. She whisked me away and had an IV in my arm before i could even think to say "Ow". She was determined to get things going the right way fast.

Kate and I have known each other for a few years, but it seems that over the last year we have spent a lot of quality time in the ER together. When I had my spinal surgeries i had to go twice a day to visit Kate to get the infusions that would end the MERSA issue. She was always a joy to be around. We all know I'm kind of a dork. So it's fun to have someone that will laugh with you, no matter the circumstances!

This trip was no exception; we laughed and she got me going again. Her concern was overwhelming.  I'm sure she could tell I  was terrified; she did everything she could think of and made sure things were right, and went right.  She and Dr. Ott worked together to get me breathing better. So I appreciate her so very much, for being my road trip this week, and putting up with a sickly, barely breathing dork, who is very grateful.
If you happen to find yourself heading that way, I hope you get Kate! She's amazing.