Mar 07, 2023

Sautter takes over McGinnis' Box Butte Co. Commissioner seat

Posted Mar 07, 2023 12:10 PM

Panhandle Post

The Box Butte County Selection Committee met on March 2 to conduct interviews for individuals that applied to fill the Box Butte County Commissioner vacancy created by the resignation of Mike McGinnis.

"While several qualified individuals applied for the position, the committee has appointed Michael Sautter to complete the remainder of the four-year term," Box Butte County Clerk Martie Burke said.

Michael Sautter
Michael Sautter

Panhandle Post asked Sautter what projects he's looking forward to taking a leadership role in for Box Butte County.

"I'm honored the selection committee choose me for this appointment," Sautter said. "While there are no particular projects initially that I'm looking forward to, Mr. McGinnis left some rather large shoes to fill, so I'm excited to try fill those as best I can."