By City of Alliance
The Alliance City Council will meet on Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. in the Alliance Council Chambers in the Alliance Public Library/Learning Center.
• Call to Order
• Roll Call
• Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
• Open Meetings Act Announcement
For the public's reference a copy of the Open Meetings Law has been posted on the northeast comer of this room in the audience area. This posting complies with the requirements of the Nebraska Legislature.
A. Consent Calendar
Approval of Minutes, Council Proceedings, Payroll and Claims
Resolution No. 24-12- Scotts Bluff County Mutual Aid Agreement
Resolution No. 24-13 - General Election Ballot Request
B. Proclamation -Chelsie Herian Day
C. Public Hearing-Ordinance No. 2974 Municipal Code Amendment
Now is the date, time and place to conduct a public hearing on the amendment to the City of Alliance Municipal Code Chapter 107, Article VII titled Minor Subdivisions.
Ordinance No. 2974 Second Reading- Municipal Code Amendment Minor Subdivisions
Ordinance No. 2974 is before City Council on second reading, which will approve and accept the amendment to the City of Alliance Municipal Code Chapter 107, Article VII titled Minor Subdivisions.
D. Ordinance No. 2975 First Reading - Final Plat Hillcrest Addition
Ordinance No. 2975 is before City Council on first reading, which will approve the Final Plat for Lot 9A, Hillcrest Addition, A Replat of Lot 9, Block 3, Hillcrest Addition, to the City of Alliance, and Unplatted Lands in the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 48 West of the 6th P.M., Box Butte County Nebraska
E. Resolution No. 24-14-AIA Grant Application for Rehab of Taxiways and Apron
Resolution No. 24-14 will accept and approve the application to the Federal Aviation Administration for the seal coat project of Runway 12/30 and Runway 8/26 for the Alliance Municipal Airport.
F. Quarterly Financial Statement Presentation and Acceptance City Treasurer Baker will present the Quarterly Financial Statement to the Council for acceptance.
• Motion to Adjourn
You can find the full agenda materials on our website