Jul 11, 2023

Alliance Public Schools approve mandatory, randomized drug testing

Posted Jul 11, 2023 6:10 PM

By: Alex Benzegala
Panhandle Post

A policy change was approved on Monday at the Alliance Public Schools board meeting,  APS School Superintendent Troy Unziker says that it is a policy that is a mandatory and randomized drug testing for students that are involved in extra-curricular activities and while also giving parents the opportunity to opt-in  even if the students are not involved in extra-curriculars.  

The policy passed on a majority vote of 4-1 as the 2nd reading of the policy after it was brought to the board in June.

The policy states that those students that have tested positive for either drugs and or alcohol will receive varying disciplinary actions that includes missing practice for the first two failed tests to more strict consequences like suspension and expulsion of activities for the final fourth and 5th failed drug tests.

APS School board meeting
APS School board meeting

Despite the consequences for the students with failed tests, Dr. Unziker says the policy is not intended for punishment.  The hopes of implementing a policy like this is to be a deterrent," Unziker said."It gives the kids  another reason, another opportunity to avoid that peer pressure."  

Many in attendance on Monday were in favor of the policy, including Tearza Mashburn, who talked about the issue of drug use in Alliance, and her own life experiences in support of the policy. 

"I would like for this policy to be seen as a positive aspect,  Mashburn said.  "To send the message that 'we see you, we see that you need help and we will help."

Not all were in support of the policy, as Jeff Schneider said that he felt that was already policies in place to address drug and alcohol use in schools and that the new policy is an overreach. "I don't feel that while my kids are in activities that it is the job of the school, to do that. That's my job."

The policy will be enacted next fall.