Feb 07, 2023

NSP Tech Crimes Unit encourages tech vigilance on Safer Internet Day

Posted Feb 07, 2023 7:19 PM


LINCOLN, NEB.  — Tuesday, February 7, is Safer Internet Day 2023. The Nebraska State Patrol Tech Crimes Unit is encouraging parents, teachers, and kids to use the occasion to learn about ways to stay safe during their online activity.

“We can all work together to make the internet safer,” said Lt. Monty Lovelace, Commander of NSP Tech Crimes. “One major piece of the effort is making sure that parents, kids, teachers, and others know that there are resources out there to help keep them safe in their online activity.”

NSP encourages all internet users to keep safety in mind during time online. The effort can be as a simple as starting a conversation about how kids use technology.

“Opening that dialogue with your child can be a major factor in keeping them safe online,” said Lt. Lovelace. “Parents should also understand and utilize the parental control features built into most devices, set clear rules for online activity, and keep the conversation open so you know what your kids are doing online.”

Resources are available at the Safer Internet Day website. Safer Internet Day started in 2004 and has grown into a worldwide effort.