May 18, 2023

Scottsbluff man arrested following rollover accident, pursuit

Posted May 18, 2023 6:19 PM

Panhandle Post

On May 17 at approximately 2:47 p.m. Scottsbluff Police Officers responded to a report of an in progress protection order violation in the area of Ave X in Scottsbluff.

The suspect was reported to be 35-year-old Scottsbluff resident, Joshua Larez, who was driving a 2004 Black Honda Accord.

Larez was also needed for questioning for multiple protection order violation investigations. Recently, he has continually left the area after allegedly violating the order and has been unable to be contacted.

Responding Officers located the vehicle driven by Larez in the area of Five Rocks and Stable Club Road.

Scottsbluff Officers attempted to initiate a traffic stop with Larez who then fled the area south bound in his vehicle on Five Rocks. Scottsbluff Officers pursued the vehicle, attempting to apprehend Larez as he traveled south into Gering on Five Rock’s Road.

"As Larez was attempting to flee Police, he lost control of his vehicle and crashed just south of the intersection of Five Rocks and D Street in Gering," Scottsbluff Patrol Sgt. Andrew Soucie said. "Larez’ vehicle overturned and rolled off the roadway landing right side up in the ally next to Five Rocks causing damage to the roadside barrier cables."

Larez was the only occupant of the vehicle.

"Larez then fled from the vehicle on foot. Scottsbluff officers were assisted by the Gering Police Department and the Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Office," Soucie said. "Agencies were able to apprehend Larez in a nearby residence after it was determined he had entered into a nearby resident’s garage in an attempt to hide."

Larez was transported to the Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff to receive care for his injuries.

Charges are pending in regards to multiple protection order violations, flight to avoid arrest, possession of methamphetamine and fentanyl, willful reckless driving, leaving the scene of an injury accident, possession of drug paraphernalia and other traffic related offences.