Aug 11, 2023

Honor Flights honor Panhandle Vets

Posted Aug 11, 2023 12:06 PM

By Alex Benzegala
Panhandle Post

With the Box Butte County Fair going on through this weekend, honoring our countries Veteran's in the Panhandle is a part of tradition of the Fair.   Lenni Johnson from Hemingford, who is on the Board for the Veteran's Memorial Flight out of Chadron, and says the next flight is leaving Chadron on September 7.   It will go through Alliance at 9:45 am that morning, on its way to Washington D.C.

Ron Henzler is a veteran on both Korea and Vietnam and went on and organized a flight called the High Plains Honor Flight in April and wants to encourage Vets to experience the flights if possible. "It's a two day deal, went by really quick, but it was really cool and I just want to spread the word about it."

 Johnson says that they have a booth at the Box Butte County Fair and if anyone has any interest, you can talk to Lennie or Ron and applications for the future honor flights are available and donations are encouraged as well.