Nov 17, 2023

Governor Pillen Provides Statement in Response to the Planned Parenthood Ballot Initiative

Posted Nov 17, 2023 1:25 AM

By Office of of Governor Pillen

LINCOLN, NE – Today, Governor Jim Pillen issued the following statement in response to the Planned Parenthood-backed pro-abortion ballot initiative language released Wednesday: 

“This flawed initiative would radically expand abortion in Nebraska, resulting in the deaths of thousands of babies in mothers’ wombs. Its vague and deceptive language could throw open the doors to brutal late-term abortions, putting abortion providers in charge of judging whether, for example, a 39-week-old pre-born baby can be aborted.

That is totally out of step with the pro-life principles of the overwhelming majority of Nebraskans, whose representatives last session passed a strong and reasonable 12-week abortion ban with common sense exceptions for cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother.

I was proud to sign that bill into law and I will continue to fight to save as many babies’ lives as possible from abortion, including by working to defeat this initiative. We will continue to support moms and help them choose life and love. I look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with pro-life leaders across Nebraska to defend life in our state.”