Jan 24, 2024

Getting Ahead: What is Tyranny of the moment

Posted Jan 24, 2024 7:25 PM

 By Patricia Jones,
Alliance Community Task Force: Creating Opportunity

Poverty is a lack of resources. People in poverty are often in survival mode, driven by the tyranny of the moment, where they cannot plan for the future. Their problems are often crises that must be dealt with today. People in poverty are forced to decide which is their most immediate problem: Do they pay rent or their utility bill? Do they pay for medicine or groceries? What can they let slide for another week or month?

It is especially difficult for those with a chronic illness. How do they maintain a place to live, get to appointments, and afford medications and treatments? Can they even hold down a job? Think about what it means to rent. Many places require a two-month security deposit, along with the first month's rent. (And really, do they ever give the whole deposit back?) Utility companies also want a deposit. Where you can rent may depend on your transportation needs.

And rent has been skyrocketing across America. What is the alternative? Extended stay motel? Friend's sofa? Car? Homelessness? The support systems those of us in the middle class take for granted are often non-existent for those in poverty. Yes, the taxes we pay offer many of the services needed by those in poverty.

But those services challenge people in poverty by throwing up barriers at every turn. How does a single parent get to work at a minimum wage job without transportation or dependable childcare? Can they get any benefits if businesses are only hiring for part-time openings? Do they need to get two or three jobs to pay bills? How can they take off work to go to parent-teacher conferences, or visit food pantries, or sign up for assistance that requires using a computer, or visit an office that is only open during normal working hours? The system is not easy to navigate!

Poverty is at the heart of poor health, unaffordable housing, transportation challenges, homelessness, low-wage jobs, poor nutrition and hunger, lack of education, and unaffordable childcare.

People are often thrown into situational poverty by circumstances. How many of us wouldn't have a major financial setback if something truly bad happened to us? Something like a job loss, a serious illness (theirs or someone in their family), divorce, death, accident, or a catastrophe destroying their home.

A survey by Bankrate found that 56% of Americans had not saved enough money to cover a $1,000 emergency expense. 40% can’t even cover a $400 expense. How long could we last before our credit cards were maxed out, utilities were cut off, we were evicted, or our home was foreclosed? Those in situational poverty hopefully have the skills needed to work themselves out of the hole. They often have support systems of family and friends. They can figure out how to navigate the system and get the help they need.

More discouraging are the problems faced by those in generational poverty. These are families who have experienced poverty for two generations or longer. They feel like they have no choices and no power. Not only do they lack money, but they also don't have education and connections that people in other classes rely on. They don't have the resources to pack up and move to an area with better opportunities. These families are trapped in a cycle of poverty unless there is outside intervention. How does a family get out of the downward spiral?

These questions and problems are the reason the Alliance Community Task Force was formed in November, 2017. Our goal is to create opportunities for a better future. We meet bimonthly, held via Zoom on the third Wednesday of each odd month at 9:00 am. New members and new input – always welcome! Contact Karen Benzel, United Way Executive Director, [email protected], if you would like to be added to the meeting invite.