Aug 15, 2023

(Audio) Kearney Evening Of Wishes - Conversation #3 with Courtney Hughbanks

Posted Aug 15, 2023 11:21 PM
<a href="">Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota</a>
Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota

Canon Rath talks again with Courtney Hughbanks from Make A Wish Greater Nebraska to talk about the upcoming Kearney Evening of Wishes event going on this Thursday. 

NORTH PLATTE, NEB - The Kearney Evening of Wishes event is going on this Thursday at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney. Make A Wish Nebraska is celebrating 40 years of wishes. The 16th annual Gala is back to help fundraise money.  

This year at the event, there will be guest speakers, wish families, auctions, and so much more to make the evening one you will never forget. For the money raised during the event, the proceeds will go towards Make A Wish Greater Nebraska. "All the proceeds will be going towards Greater Nebraska Wish Kids which is all the wish kids that are west of York County," said Courtney Hughbanks. "That includes the North Platte surrounding areas and everywhere to the Wyoming border." 

If you would like to learn more about the Kearney Evening Of Wishes event going on next Thursday in Kearney, check out the podcast above. If you would like to purchase a ticket to the event, click here. If you would like to learn more about Make A Wish Nebraska, click here.