Apr 11, 2024

BNSF Railway using Virtual Reality Safety Training

Posted Apr 11, 2024 5:47 PM

Press Release by BNSF Railway

FORT WORTH, TEXAS – As the railway industry continues to power the American economy with sustainable methods of moving freight, BNSF Railway is building upon its record year for safety by continuing to put its people first.

As the industry’s safety leader, the North American railway company is currently implementing immersive technology into its mechanical training programs to keep workers safe, utilizing virtual/augmented and mixed realities to enhance safety strategies and improve role readiness amongst the mechanical workforce.

With the help of VR Learning Solutions provider, Roundtable Learning, the training simulations currently being tested with BNSF create training solutions to address risk-specific scenarios to potentially avoid incidents and injuries while on the job. This new initiative upholds BNSF’s standards of innovation, while keeping its commitment for safety front and center.

BNSF closed out last year with the lowest injury frequency rate in the company’s 175-year history,” said Mark Stockman, director of mechanical training for BNSF.

We continue to invest in new technologies like virtual reality simulations to enhance our mechanical training programs even more. They serve as an integral tool in bridging frontline work with digital technology and prioritizing our vision of a workplace free of accidents and injuries.

BNSF’s efforts to utilize virtual reality training programs complement existing instructor-led mechanical programs by reinforcing learning techniques that cannot be replicated in traditional training modalities. Built for in-depth exposure to step-by-step processes, the VR program provides experiential learning opportunities for mechanical employees to build their knowledge of the importance of personal protection equipment (PPE), improve risk awareness, and hone seamless lock-out tag-out procedures. Each time employees encounter safety hazards within the VR experience, warnings alert learners to pressurized systems and reinforce safe lifting practices.

BNSF took the initiative to think outside the box by providing their employees with a new training strategy to further practice identifying and mitigating exposures to risk,” said Jeff Suchan with Roundtable Learning. Not only has this created a new way of learning/training at BNSF, but these technologies can also help create safer behaviors within the rail industry as a whole."

For a video demonstration, click here.

For more information on BNSF’s use of VR training technology, click here.