SCOTTSBLUFF - The TRIO Veterans Upward Bound program at Western Nebraska Community College and Black Hills Veterans Affairs will be hosting a Stand Down event for all area veterans on June 1 and 2 at Cougar Palace on the WNCC Scottsbluff Campus.
"There are really valuable resources available to veterans in the Panhandle and we want to bring them all together in one location so our veterans and their families can access everything they need," said Mike Millikin, VUB interim assistant director.
Between 30 and 40 agencies are expected to attend the Scottsbluff Stand Down to provide information on services available in the area for veterans and their families. Some of the services include VA benefits, housing referrals, employment services, legal assistance, clothing, and more.
The event is scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. on June 1, and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on June 2. All veterans and their families are welcome, and meals are provided on both days. The event is also supported by Central Nebraska Community Action Partnership, Nebraska Department of Labor, and VetSet Nebraska.
For questions regarding the Scottsbluff Veterans Stand Down, contact Millikin at [email protected] or 308-635-6152.