The third COVID-19 related death in the Panhandle has been reported in Scotts Bluff County. A female in her 90s with underlying health conditions has passed away.
“We offer our sincerest sympathy to her family. Increased precautions remain critical against this virus, especially to protect our most vulnerable in the community,” said Paulette Schnell, Director of Scotts Bluff County Health Department.
The Panhandle, along with most other Nebraska counties, has moved towards decreased restrictions in phase three of the Governor’s Directed Health Measure beginning today, June 22. Guidance documents are available at Public health urges all Panhandle residents to continue the following:
· Stay at least six feet away from others. Close contact and exposure are considered less than six feet for 15 minutes or more. Social distancing is one of the best prevention strategies we have against this virus.
· Wear a mask when social distancing is not possible and when in public spaces or areas.
· Frequent handwashing or sanitizing is critical.
· Monitor your symptoms and immediately call your doctor, clinic, or our 24/7 line at 308-262-5764 before going anywhere if you are experiencing any of the following: cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, body chills, headache, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
· Please use extra caution if you are over 60 or have any underlying health conditions.
COVID-19 testing is available at Community Action Health Center: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 7am-8am. Testing is open to those that are symptomatic or close contact to a positive case. Sign up today
Unified Command confirms nine more cases of COVID-19 in the Panhandle:

Ten cases from Scotts Bluff County have been deemed recovered bringing the total recoveries to 152.
March 2-June 22, 2020
Total Tests Conducted: 4,879
Positive: 243
Cumulative Positivity Rate: 4.9%
Recovered: 152
Active Cases: 88
Active Hospitalizations: 6
Total Cumulative Hospitalizations: 28
Deaths: 3
• Banner County: 1 case (recovered)
• Box Butte County: 3 cases (recovered)
• Cheyenne County: 15 cases (4 active, 11 recovered)
• Dawes County: 4 cases (3 active, 1 recovered)
• Garden County: 4 cases (recovered)
• Kimball County: 10 cases (recovered)
• Morrill County: 14 cases (4 active, 10 recovered)
• Scotts Bluff County: 191 Cases (76 active, 112 recovered, 3 deaths)
• Sioux County: 1 case (active)
Panhandle Public Health District, Region 21, 22, and 23 Emergency Management, and Scotts Bluff County Health Department are working as a unified command on this evolving situation. Essential updates will be regularly communicated to the public and community partners.
For the most up to date information from the CDC, visit
Panhandle Public Health District is working together to improve the health, safety, and quality of life for all who live, learn, work, and play in the Panhandle. Our vision is that we are a healthier and safer Panhandle Community. Visit our website