Scottsbluff resident Linda Redfern was excited to get her first COVID shot earlier this week through Regional West Community Health’s immunization clinic.
“The Community Health ladies were so sweet and helpful,” Redfern recalled.
“Maybe don’t get it in the arm you sleep on but otherwise, I’m happy to report I’ve had zero aftereffects, with the exception of a slightly sore arm, and a bit tired, but I’m re-“tired” so I guess that’s about normal!” she jokingly added.
Redfern recalled her experience standing in line in the local gym awaiting a polio vaccine in the form of a sugar cube when she was five. She firmly believes in the vaccine science and freedom it will eventually bring.
She quoted Dolly Parton’s recent viral video vaccine experience stating, “I’m old enough and smart enough to get the shot” and how pleased she was that vaccines were able to be developed and distributed.
Redfern worked for Office of Human Development for 36 years, retiring in 2018, and was on the Scottsbluff City Council for two terms. She stays active as an alternate on the city’s planning and zoning board, while also sitting on The DOVES Program and Scottsbluff Library foundations boards.
Redfern is looking forward to her second COVID vaccine dose at the end of March. Spring fever is starting to set in and she is anxiously awaiting camping and golfing. Her choice of getting the vaccine impacts these freedoms and her ability to return to the retirement activities she enjoys.
COVID vaccines are currently available for Panhandle residents 65 or older and phase 1b employees to include educators, childcare providers, grocery and convenience store workers, railroad employees, truckers, public transit, postal service, cooperatives, and meat and food processing facility employees.
Residents are encouraged to register now for their COVID vaccine at or or by calling 833-998-2275 or 531-249-1873. There’s no need to wait, if you are in any of the currently eligible populations, register now so local vaccine providers can determine when to move to the next critical phases who are anxiously awaiting getting theirs. Please help your family, friends, and neighbors sign up now.
Studies are showing the COVID vaccines provide 100% protection against severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Vaccines are one of the single greatest achievements in public health, be sure to get your COVID shot when it’s your turn. People who are fully COVID vaccinated will not be required to quarantine due to close contact.
If you have had COVID, you are still encouraged to get the vaccine once you no longer have symptoms and after you have been released from isolation. If you received the monoclonal antibody treatment, it is recommended to get the vaccine no sooner than 90 days after treatment.
If you have received your first dose and have not heard when you will receive your second dose, don’t fret, you will be contacted by the vaccine provider that administered your first dose.