May 12, 2023

Road Trip: Wall Drug, South Dakota

Posted May 12, 2023 2:31 PM

By Tami Cox Swearingen

Hi friends, welcome back to road trip. This week I had so much fun, my friend Jason Wentworth accompanied me on a trip to Wall Drug, South Dakota. 

We had a great time, a bit of a mishap with a donkey on the way, but many laughs because of it.

From Rapid City to Wall, there must be at least a zillion billboards. Ice Cold Free water, and 5 cent coffee. I wish now we had been counting how many there were. Finally with the anticipation they created, we made it to Wall. Now Wall is not very big and it is 90% the Wall Drug Store downtown that takes up most of the main street. It at one time was just the drug store, but it was expanded with the likes of snake oil, to entice people to buy souvenirs.

If you are the joe tourist type, you will have a blast here. If you're not much for the touristy stores, it won't be your cup of tea. We were thrilled.

You walk into one shop that leads to another and another and on it goes. What fun. There is a cafe there that is huge. I had a Bison Burger, that was cooked perfectly with onion rings that were really yummy. Jason had a Fishie and fries he said was just pretty dang good. Food was great, prices a bit high. Our favorite part was behind the main stores there is an open area full of photo ops, such as in the picture above, Jason on the giant Jack a lope. We took advantage of everything. Too much fun i have to tell you. There also were many different types of zoltar machines . Remember big...the genie in the machine that granted him a wish to be big. There were several of them, bring your quarters and some ones. Many photo ops inn the buildings from cowboys, to saloon girls, we ran from a giant dinosaur, and rode a pony that most likely once sat in front of a grocery store. It played bonanza, how could you not ride that bad boy.

We went on from there for a ride thru the Badlands National Park, then down to Wounded Knee. Then back home. Another great trip in the books. A must if you're looking for something different. See you there!