By Chadron Police Department
Early in the morning on March 18, 2025, at approximately 1:10A.M. Officer Hanson and Sergeant Young witnessed a fight occurring in front of a bar on the 100 block of Main Street. Officers attempted to intervene to break up the fight and while doing so, a male subject identified as 25-year-old Patrick McLachlan attempted to strike a member of the public with a closed fist and struck officer Hanson in the face.
McLachlan was placed into handcuffs immediately and the fight was ended.
Eyewitnesses were interviewed, and as a result of the investigation McLachlan was arrested and transported to the Dawes County Jail without further incident for 3 rd Degree Assault on an officer, a Class IIIA Felony where he was held on a 10% of $25,000 bond.
Officers also learned of another male subject who had been involved in the fight that was injured during the altercation.
The Chadron Fire Department was called to the scene and transported the male to the hospital for medical treatment. The injured male was later issued a citation for 3 rd Degree Assault, a Class III Misdemeanor for his involvement in the fight.
The Chadron Police Department was assisted by the Chadron Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department