Panhandle Post
Mar 19, 2025

City of Alliance implements parking enforcement

Posted Mar 19, 2025 7:59 PM

By City of Alliance

  The Alliance Police Department would like to remind all residents that we are now actively enforcing the city codes and ordinances related to parking violations. Over the last few days, officers have placed warning stickers on illegally parked vehicles, trailers, boats and other items parked in the city right of way in violation of code. In most cases, the officers have been able to locate the owner, issue a verbal warning and the owner has corrected the issue. In cases where the violation persisted, these vehicles have been impounded.

If you have had a vehicle or other item impounded, please call 308-762-4955 to claim and recover your vehicle. Any vehicle held in the APD Impound Lot accrues a $10.00 per day storage fee in addition to the tow bill. If the vehicle is stored at the Wrecker Lot, fees are at the discretion of the wrecker service.

The most common violation we see with relation to automobiles falls under Section 26-132 which prohibits parking a vehicle in the public right of way which is unregistered or inoperable. The Trailer Parking Ordinance is copied below, as we also see a large number of violations in that area. It is important to keep in mind that the curb strip is city right of way (see attached photo).Sec. 26-131. Trailer and recreational vehicle storage.(a) No person may park or store a vehicle appurtenance within the City's right of way or property, except as provided for in Subsections (b) and (c) of this Section.(b) Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to parking or leaving any roll-off or construction trailers used by contractors or property owners with the issuance of a building permit for construction on the adjacent property, so long as the permit remains valid, and the location does not interfere with any other sections of this article.(c) It shall not be a violation of Subsection (a) of this Section to park any vehicle appurtenance within the City's right of way or property for a period of less than 24 hours for purposes of utilizing such vehicle appurtenance, as long as within such 24-hour period, the vehicle appurtenance is completely removed from the City's right of way or property (other than when it is being transported). Moving the vehicle appurtenance briefly with the intent to return it to the same or nearby spot, or for a short distance, does not constitute completely removing the vehicle appurtenance from the City's right of way or property.(d) As used in this Section, the term "vehicle appurtenance" means trailer, utility trailer, recreational vehicle, motor home, camper, travel trailer, boat, personal watercraft, trailered barbecues and other similar appurtenances intended to be attached to a vehicle.(e) As used in this Section, the term "City's right of way or property" means any property owned or controlled by the City including municipal parking lots, streets, sidewalks, and alleys. The term "street" shall include the curb strip between the curb and property line.

The Alliance Police Department encourages all residents to comply with the above ordinances and remove any vehicles or appurtenances currently in violation to avoid fines and/or towing actions by the police department. If you have any questions please call APD at 308-762-4955.See less  
